Increased militarization of law enforcement agencies is a double-edged sword. The whole world watched in the early days of the Ferguson protests the huge police response. Such analysis helps our Department to see areas and patterns of concern and to act proactively in an effort to discourage criminal activity. 23 U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency, Law Enforcement Support Office, accessed March 13, 2018,; and U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, LEAA/OJP Retrospective: 30 Years of Federal Support to State and Local Criminal Justice, July 11, 1996, accessed March 13, 2018, Kraska. People still debate the exact cause of this incident, but five citizens died after occupying troops fired into the unruly crowd.2, Aware of the dangers of a police state, the U.S. founding fathers established protections that separate the military from local law enforcement. The 1970s television show S.W.A.T., along with its resurrection in the movie and TV show by the same name, portrayed police officers in Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) units as top cops doing a difficult (yet occasionally required) necessary-but-evil job. Your time is important. is open to anyone with a willingness to get involved and the desire to make a difference in their community. These functions are known as policing. Many people believe that the justifications and demands for SWAT and other specialized response teams seem clear in modern society, particularly when news outlets report on the latest school shooting, workplace killing, or terrorist attack. Government leaders called upon the military or National Guard to assist police in the worst cases.13, This trend continued into the 1970s as agencies also began dealing with highly armed groups, like the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panther Party. There's even evidence of police abusing their power, all over the web. As a digital subscriber to Criminal Legal News, you can access full text and downloads for this and other premium content. According to Gross (2016), the law gives little guidance on when the use of force by police is justified (Pg. This is the process of training local law enforcement officers how to respond to situations that everyday police officers would not know how to handle. ( In the present police brutality does exist in the mist of us in the time and age we live in everyday. The things theyre doing now are practically no different than 30, 40, even 50 years years ago when militarization started. The biggest difference is that the militarization of police that people complain about now has actually resulted in better police forces than before. Find new ideas and inspiration using our free samples. The public concern and fear of crime across the United States helped motivate the support of laws that strengthen police powers.17, Marked by the February 1997 shootout in North Hollywood, California; April 1999 Columbine High School massacre; and events of 9/11, the modern era has opened even more doors and enhanced support for increased militarization of police departments in the United States and around the world.18, The botched robbery and subsequent shootout in North Hollywood highlighted the need for law enforcement agencies across the country to transition from shotguns to assault rifles. Donate now. Striking the delicate balance of liberty and security proves challenging. Law enforcement maintains a civilian entity, the police are more effective in a democracy when they are embedded in a community equipped to solve problems and enforce the laws as well. Don't use plagiarized sources. Whether an Officer has been shot or an Officer has shot someone these cases seem to be related to one thing, fear. (November 30, 1993).17 Castle Doctrine from State to State, South University, July 15, 2011, accessed March 6, 2018,; and Peter B. Kraska, Militarization and PolicingIts Relevance to 21st Century Police, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 1, no. You Have 90 Percent More Learning to Do! High levels of physical fitness, weapons training, and accuracy all comprise parts of the process involved with these units. Steven Greenhut, a columnist for the San Diego Union-Tribune, was WebMany wonder how militarization started; however, before people understand that, they must understand what militarization really means. Police using excessive force towards the riots and outbreaks all over the country following the incident. Closed on Holidays. The beats is perhaps the best kept modern invention and most influential. A militarized police force represents mostly "cons" and few "pros." The police force is tasked with protection of civilian rights (e.g. property), the enforcement of civil legal codes, and countering civil unrest to a certain extent. The military eliminates enemy targets during active hostilities. This means combat. According to this mind-set, police should react to situations with a show of overwhelming force to subdue an adversary with the least amount of damage possible. On the one hand, proponents argue that militarized policing protects officers while acting as a deterrent to violent crime. For many centuries, and the beginning of time, communities and cities have wanted protection; protection of families, homes and communities. Home Essay Samples Law, Crime & Punishment Police Militarization of Police: Pros and Cons. Between 2011 and 2012 approximately 50% of raids were conducted against Black or Hispanic individuals while only 20% of raids were directed towards white suspects. It requires military equipment and techniques. 2019 Mar 12 [cited 2023 Jan 18]. The key to successful performance is to continue preventing terrorism by completing law enforcement functions and building powerful community partnerships. Dr. Fortenbery can be reached at Men and women This is one of the few times where I think it should be kept at a highly professional level such that you need to be an employee of the department to be able to do those types of operations. The Pros And Cons Of Militarizing The Police. Leadership Spotlight: How Do You Live Your Dash? Police are becoming less trustworthy in the eyes of citizens and this is a problem because community police are individuals anyone should feel comfortable talking to. They have been acting upon incidents that the police should be acting upon, which make it seem as if SWAT has become the new community law enforcement agency. Helicopter, Community Outreach Spotlight: Cops and Clergy Breakfast, Leadership Spotlight: Information Output vs. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Advances in technology obviously plays a role in this, but the attacks on the Twin Towers sparked American interest., Although I dont agree with hunting for sport, I understand that it is a right that we, as Americans, have and that taking away the rights to guns seems wrong. In fact they need to me aware of the corrupt police officers that are in the streets today as well as the criminals. This is due in case to technology and now all there actions are recorded by the people, since everyone has a phone with a camera these days. Leadership Spotlight: What Works for You? Teams with such weapons now can deploy to volatile situations when necessary.28, Police in Turkey constitute heavily armed paramilitary units with access to powerful weapons and vehicles. In order to possibly solve this issue, New Mexicans need to show more respect for law enforcement officers because most of them are not practicing racism, abusing power, or using unnecessary violent force. That president would probably get impeached or at the very least not re-elected. The stock market crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression and the rise of even more such notorious figures, such as Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Machine Gun Kelly, and John Dillinger.11, These dangerous criminals used powerful high-capacity weapons combined with military-style assault techniques that forced law enforcement agencies to change their firearms and tactics. / We, the people, cannot hold ourselves victims as they have ignored the laws they enforce the most wholesome and necessary for the public good (Declaration of Independence)., Margaret Thatcher once made a metaphor that publicity is the oxygen of terrorism. A seldom-used form of geocoded census, coupled with controlled individual interviews using a varied section of the population, provided the raw data from which the study was conducted. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Many cities did not have a formal process for hiring or training officers, and some corruption took place.8, People consider August Vollmer, chief of police in Berkley, California, from 1905 until 1932, the major influence on the professionalism of the modern agency. The Militarization of the Police. Some people loved the teams, while others feared them. As a result, some people think that departments need to be reformed and the use of tactical teams limited. Vets are easily one of the most celebrated segments of society, so the selling point is that you arent a true American if you dont do something to support the troops. Four trends that will reshape the nonprofit landscape. We will discuss how this action in itself can change the security of the nation and if this action presents a harmful situation for the civilians of America. Citizens see the Civil Guard, a 50,000-person unit of volunteers armed with assault rifles, as a necessary and comforting part of the law enforcement function.27, Officers in the United Kingdom remain unarmed and adhere to the doctrine of minimal force. House GOP Eyes Investigation of Big Tech-Aligned Election Grants, Twitter Knew a Democrat Attack on Devin Nunes Was False, but Declined to Debunk It Publicly, Rep. Kevin Hern Stands by Previous Call to Impeach Homeland Security Secretary, Not Just Misinformation: In Emails to White House, Facebook Admits Suppressing Often-True Content on COVID-19 Vaccines, A Legal Immigrants Lament: Bidens Parole Scheme Makes Patsies of Those Who Abide by Law. There are many different ways police can execute their work and police militarization is one of them, upon many others. Leadership Spotlight: Where is Your Bottom Line? This one is one of them. According to the conclusions of a recent study of police militarization by Princeton University assistant professor Jonathan Mummolo, this is not usually the case in the real world. Off-duty members of the LAPD SWAT team responded and stopped one perpetrator, while the other ended his own life.20, The 2004 expiration of the Brady Bill may have provided additional opportunities for criminally minded individuals to obtain high-capacity assault weapons for use against the public or the police.21 Most agencies have transitioned to these firearms in response to the increased numbers used by lawless persons.22. Police Officer - $20,000 Lateral Hiring Incentive - Federal Way, Washington. The philosophy for community policing is the ability to develop a sense of trust between members of a community (Stocker et al, 2015). Despite that I think that the laws arent super strict and unreasonable. However, it is disappointing that the people who is responsible for protecting our freedom, are now feared and despised because of the discriminatory crimes they have committed. Yes, police brutality and racism still exist, but not all cops are bad. WebPolice are seen as a form of power and abuse that privilege. Municipal governments mainly cared that these units managed their tasks well.15, During the 1980s and 1990s, the War on Drugs, brought on in part by the crack cocaine epidemic, escalated nationwide, as did the emergence of criminal street gangs and associated violence. Society has created this image of police officers as these monsters that are in fact practicing racism, abusing their. Law enforcement agencies have become too militarized and it has an affect on community relations. Leadership Spotlight: President Jefferson and Criticism, Community Outreach Spotlight: Camp Cadet of Cambria County, Leadership Spotlight: Leadership Lessons from Mom. So after a tragic terroristic attack most Americans greed in the use of military tactics. series showed militarized police clad in body-armored black assault suits with M-16 automatic rifles and various types of grenades to aid them in their performances of daring-do. We want to help you find the right job. This finding dovetails with evidence compiled over decades that show negatively dissimilar treatment toward minority citizens by police. On the other, opponents point to statistical data indicating no evidence that militarized policing has deterred violent crime or affected one way or another the rate of duty-related police deaths or assaults. SWAT is an organization that was meant for emergency situations, but is now used excessively. A growing distrust in, the police will lead to a less effective police and more violence from both the police and the people. Now SWAT teams are used in our communities to do drug raids, hostile takeovers, and sometimes out of control protests. WebThe Federal government believes that militarizing the police will make cities safer and will reduce the rate of drug activities and crime. During the Boston Massacre, British soldiers operated in this capacity and clashed with civilians. In 1845, New York City started the first modern law enforcement agency.7 Early departments, such as this one, focused their resources and tactics on the communitys problems, like todays agencies. Images of police wearing masks, helmets and holding assault rifles are posted all over social media. (New Orleans, LA: Quid Pro Books, 2011).5 Durham Constabulary (United Kingdom), Sir Robert Peels Principles of Law Enforcement 1829, accessed March 5, 2018, Balko, Rise of the Warrior Cop. In the final analysis, the heavy-handed tactics employed by SWAT teams in many cases operate to deprive people of many constitutional rights and civil liberties with nothing on the plus side of the equation to balance out the loss of those rights, liberties, and far-too-often lives. People used to trust law enforcement and come to them in a time of need for protection or help. Terms of service SWAT-like teams have advanced training in antiterrorism tactics, largely due to the concerns in that region.29. Pros and Cons of Militarizing the United States. Home Essay Samples Government Law Enforcement Militarization of Police. He instituted patrol vehicles; radios; and various investigative techniquesmany still practicedto fight crime more effectively.9. SWAT team are used for 80% of the drug busts, but also drug dealers tend to have more weapons or protection which SWAT more adept at handling. Rheumatism And even poor memory. Swat teams were organized to be responders in emergency situations and are now being sent on drug searches and other situations they are not intended for. And that militarization is a symptom of a larger problempolice viewing black and brown citizens as enemy insurgents, officers entering communities of color as if they were hostile territory. On the other, opponents point to statistical The government also wanted to find productive uses for old military equipment that was no longer needed. The cameras are small, but they [], The Police in Malawi is a security government institution responsible for maintaining peace, law and public order. 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Terrorist groups want their message to be heard by as many people as possible, so they will seek out targets that American media will take note of. He had written a book called Mitch Earleywine, He [], All of you who are into drugs, you sons of b*tches, I will really kill you, promised Rodrigo Duarte, now President of the Philippines, on his campaign trail. With the aid of federal applications such with the 1033 program, it has made it accessible for police departments to obtain extra military equipment, which has made an augment among the public. This was a wakeup call for all citizen and government official that are very vulnerable within this country. Try entering a keyword or location, or use the filters. At the time, this soaring rise in crime was related to rapid urban growth, unchecked immigration, poverty, alcoholism, radical political groups, poor infrastructure, unsupervised juveniles and lenient judges. Police patrolling in full military gear can appear intimidating and less approachable to the general public.33, Operation of military-style vehicles presents another concern to some people in communities and contributes to the perception of overmilitarization. Law enforcement agencies operate well when employing such systems as unity of command and span of control. Program, Leadership Spotlight: Helium vs. The ongoing clashes between residents of Ferguson, MO and heavily armed police forceswhich are equipped with M16 rifles and armored vehicleshave drawn attention to the increasing militarization of police in the United States. These shootings are making headlines. WebProponents of the militarization believe that police should use what they find suitable to protect the community and themselves from danger. Government agencies have supported such efforts of police departments in fighting the spread of drugs and violent crime. The two subjects had high-powered assault rifles and wore body armor that defended them from the small-caliber handguns and shotguns held by the police.19, Outgunned officers resorted to borrowing firearms from local gun dealers to stop the heavily armed suspects. Either a Police Officer has been shot or a Police Officer has shot a citizen, but either way the final result is death. Police are progressively becoming more militarized with the unlimited amount equipment law enforcement agencies are able to get their hand on. Main Menu; by School; by Literature Title; by Subject; by Study Guides; Textbook Solutions Expert Tutors Earn. The ongoing clashes between residents of Ferguson, MO and heavily armed police forceswhich are This has led to police departments sometimes having a military-like appearance.1, The American Revolution began partly because King George III of Great Britain sent military troops to control the colonists by monitoring them and acting as police officers in some situations. Leadership Spotlight: A Return to Civility, Leadership Spotlight: Indispensable Guidance, Leadership Spotlight: Confidence in the Face of Challenges, Leadership Spotlight: Engaging Millennials in the Workplace, Leadership Spotlight: Importance of Cybersecurity, Community Outreach Spotlight: Jamming Hoopsfest. When people describe the militarization of police, they usually think that all of the officers have assault weapons, grenade launchers, and other very powerful equipment. Study Resources. Do you feel safer knowing there 's a police officer if anything happens or do you get nervous and think you might get pulled over. Police mainly exist to maintain order, and those in a democratic society must do so under the rule of law. Leadership Spotlight: Congratulations, Graduate! They serve an important purpose in emergency situations; they should not be taking action for smaller incidents such as the war on drugs. 2500 S. Archibald Avenue Ontario, CA 91761. On the one hand, proponents argue that militarized policing protects officers while acting as a deterrent to violent crime. America is looked upon by other countries as the land of the free. Peel envisioned professional law enforcement organizations that would not function as occupying forces to control law and order. Further, routine SWAT deployment elicits negative reactions from citizens, harms law enforcement agency reputations, and lowers peoples willingness to fund police patrols in their neighborhoods. Todays society has many different views on how police should do their work and what tactics police should use. Availability of firearms also increased among unlawful groups. Available from:, "She's great at what she does. Would you want police to wear body cameras? Haberfeld and Ibrahim Cerrah, eds., Comparative Policing: The Struggle for Democratization (Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing, 2007).27 Ibid. Community Outreach Spotlight: Team G.R.E.A.T. There also YouTube and Vine, where they post the videos they capture,videos that can capture police brutality, even if its just six seconds. Yes there are still bad citizens in this world that want to kill and harm others, but not all citizens are bad. In a democratic society, law enforcement officers prevent social disorder, protect the public, and reduce crime while respecting the inherent freedoms of those they serve. A SWAT unit can serve as an insurance policy against any considerable violence that may occur. These all have their pros and cons and cons and the efficiency of each varies, however with training theyre all possible. Large metropolitan areas, like Boston and Philadelphiawith diverse ethnic and financial populationsbegan experiencing crime beyond the local constables capabilities.6. They were the world's highest-earning musicians in 2008, due to their reunion tour, which was the highest-grossing tour of 2007. 32 Kraska.33 Ibid.34 Ibid.35 Leach. Genevieve Wood advances policy priorities of The Heritage Foundation as senior contributor to The Daily Signal. They must search for a way to protect their families even when they are not home, which is why the police has become such an essential part of our lives. How police agencies use this equipment and train their officers in military tactics have become important topics for discussion. Positive and Negative Impacts of Police Militarization., Positive and Negative Impacts of Police Militarization [Internet]. and When people say that we need this equipment in the case of another lone wolf attack or North Hollywood shootout they are wrong. Dispatch: (909) 986-6711. Leadership Spotlight: Are You An Approachable Leader? @malcolm_john. Leadership Spotlight: Doing the Right Thing for the Wrong Reasons: Abuse of Police Discretion, Leadership Spotlight: Impacting Job Satisfaction Through Leadership, Leadership Spotlight: Values-Driven Leadership in Law Enforcement Organizations, Leadership Spotlight: Leadership Lessons from Home, Leadership Spotlight: Strategic Leadership During Crisis. A digital subscriber to criminal Legal News, you can access full and! Guides ; Textbook Solutions Expert Tutors Earn police and the desire to make a difference their! Other countries as the land of the Ferguson protests the huge police response large metropolitan,. Home Essay Samples government law police militarization pros and cons organizations that would not function as occupying to! Homes and communities than 30, 40, even 50 years years ago when militarization.! 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Whitworth Street West To Chepstow Street Manchester, Orangeburg County Forfeited Land Commission, Articles P